Travel Factory Blog

Travel Tips, Stories, Deals and Info... The Travel Factory employs 4 full time agents with 100 years total experience in the travel industry. Our agents specialize in cruise, tour and resort vacations as well as corporate incentive and school groups. Our mission is to provide the best, most courteous, most detailed, most informative service. Our slogan, "Building vacations to your specifications" says it all.

Holiday Travel

Holiday Travel with the The Travel Factory Holiday Travel with the The Travel Factory

It's getting close to holiday time and we always get the question, “When is the best time to travel”, and I usually answer, “Whenever you want to go!!!”. Then their real question comes out, “no, when is the best price or what day is the best day to get the best price”. In this day and time, those are hard questions to answer in precise and definite terms.

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Holiday Traveling

Holiday Travel with The Travel Factory Holiday Travel with The Travel Factory

Folks have been coming in this week interested in seeing if there is any real good deals available for the Christmas or New Years weeks. You gotta be kidding!!!! If there were any space available at all, it wouldn't be a “good deal”!!

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1978 Hits

Holiday Traveling

Holiday Travel with The Travel Factory Holiday Travel with The Travel Factory

The phrase in a song comes to mind “I’ll be home for Christmas, you can count on me”, go ahead, sing along with me!!

It looks like it’s going to be a truism for many Americans this year.  According to a marketing survey of 2300 active travelers by MMGY Global, more U. S. adults intend to travel between now and January 2014.  According to the survey, 59% intend to take one leisure trip between now and January, compared with 53% last year.  A vice-president of that marketing firm noted that “leisure travelers will continue to watch their spending and look for the best deals possible”.

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