Travel Factory Blog
Know Before You Go (Travelling)
One of the best travel web sites that all travelers should visit before they travel belongs to all of us. It is a site managed by the U. S. Customs and Border Protection. The site is at this address:
On that site you will find out that when you decide to take an airline trip, the exact same name that appears on your passport or official government-issued ID is the same one under which the reservations are made and tickets issued. None of this, “but I go by, or everyone calls me Bob, but my real name is Robert”. Robert goes on the ticket...period.
You'll also discover on this site the required documents for entering other countries. Some countries require visas. These are documents permitting you to visit their country, and instructions are given on how to apply for them.
Other very good information you will find are the prohibited and restricted items that you are interested in bringing back to the United States. Prohibited means the item is forbidden by law to enter the United States; restricted means that special licenses or permits are required from a federal agency before the item is allowed to enter the United States such as firearms, certain fruits and vegetables, animal products and some animals.
The also have some good travel tips such as:
Declare everything you bring in from abroad, even if you bought it in a duty free shop.
Be cautious when buying something from street vendors. The merchandise may be counterfeit or unsafe and you might have to surrender it when you return home. We had someone on our tours who purchased a phone from a street vendor, walked away before he took it out of the box, and when he opened it, there was no phone inside and the person who sold it to him was out of sight!!
Be aware of the U.S. prohibited merchandise such as ivory, tortoise shell products and counterfeit items.
Many foreign-made medications are not approved for United States use and are not permitted in the country. Make sure the medication you carry is in the original container.
Customs and Border Protection officers can inspect you and your belongings without a warrant to enforce the U. S. laws.
These are just a few tips that are available for travelers, so for a full disclosure, go to the website for additional information.
Rest assured, the travel professionals at The Travel Factory will direct you to this website when traveling outside of the United States. They will also be glad to help you manufacture the vacation of your dreams, so call us at 698-1421 or 800-760-4040.
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